Today is April 16th and I woke up to a world coated in ice. I knew at 6AM that school buses were cancelled for the day, and was frankly delighted to have a student-free day to catch up on my marking and other loose ends after a very busy month. This tweet is what reminded me to put blogging on my to-do list; thanks Matthew and Pete for the little push! Ideas, lead to writing, which leads to more ideas. (thanks @dougpete !). . If you have a few moments at home today, if your school is cancelled, maybe you can write a blog piece? — Matthew Oldridge (@MatthewOldridge) April 16, 2018 So, what to write about? I have so many things I'd like to share; sometimes this causes me to write very LONG posts that touch on lots of different things. Today, inspired by the post/thread above, I've decided to focus on just one thing. That way, I'll have to blog more often to get the rest of my ideas out, right? We'll see. It's still a long post. :) ...